Estimadas familias,

Os damos la bienvenida al Blog de las asignaturas bilingües de 4º de primaria. Servirá como herramienta de repaso de los contenidos que vayamos trabajando en el aula a diario.
Es recomendable su uso diario para repasar y reforzar desde casa.

Está diseñado para que vuestros hijos puedan trabajar solos, pues todo lo que vamos subiendo se ha trabajado previamente en clase.

Os iremos informando de las novedades que vayan surgiendo.

Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración. Recibid un cordial saludo.

Sonia y Noelia.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Senses: TOUCH

The skin is the organ of touch. It is the largest organ. We use our skin to identify if something is hot or cold (temperature), hard or soft, smooth or rough (texture).

Our body is covered in skin which has nerve endings that pick up information and send it to the brain.

In some parts of our skin we have more nerve endings so they are more sensitive like the palms of our hands or the soles of our feet.

The skin is made up of three layers:

The epidermis: Melanin is here.

The dermis: Nerve endings, blood vessels and sweat glands are here.

The subcutaneous layer: Hair follicle and fat are here.

Friday, November 12, 2021



(In the negative answers, write a true answer.)

1. Is the eye the organ of sight?

2. Does the light go through the iris?

3. Does the lens project an upright image into the retina?

4. Can tears help wash away germs and dust?

5. Do eyebrows protect the eye?

6. Does the eyelid keep the eye clean and moist?

7. Are the auditory ossicles in the outer ear?

8. Do sound waves make the eardrum vibrate?

9. Is the stirrup the last ossicle?

10. Is the ear made up of four parts?

11. Is the cochlea in the inner ear?

12. Can the movement of fine hairs in the cochlea cause electrical impulses?

13. Is the auditory nerve in the middle ear?

14. Does the brain process information from the senses?

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Resultado de imagen de cambridge flyers speaking exam part 2
Resultado de imagen de cambridge flyers speaking exam part 2
Resultado de imagen de cambridge flyers speaking exam part 2


Resultado de imagen de cambridge flyers speaking exam part 2

Resultado de imagen de cambridge flyers speaking exam part 2

Resultado de imagen de cambridge flyers speaking exam part 2

In this blog you can find pictures to practice for the Oral Exam.


 The FLYERS EXAM is similar to the Movers exam you practised last year.

Here you have an example to get to know the listening, reading,  writing and speaking activities from a FLYERS EXAM.

Have a look at it at home!



Tuesday, November 9, 2021


The ear is the organ of hearing.

The ear is made up of three different sections: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. These parts all work together so you can hear and process sounds.

VIDEO to explain how the ear works.


A sound wave comes in from the outside. It is collected by the pinna and enters the ear canal.

After it passes through the outer ear the sound waves strike the ear drum.

Then, the sound waves hit the ear drum and make it vibrate. This vibration moves the hammer, then the anvil and finally the stirrup.

Then the stirrup moves and pushes against the cochlea.

In the cochlea, sound moves as a wave creating vibrations.

The cochlea contains fine hairs that are moved by the sound waves. This movement of the hairs causes electrical impulses that travel up the auditory nerve to the brain.

The brain makes sense of the signals and tells us what we can hear.

Saturday, November 6, 2021



1-Name the five senses. What are they for?

2-What is the organ of the sight?

3- What colour is the cornea?

4-Define pupil.

5-Can the pupil be blue?

6-What is behind the pupil and the iris?

7- Does the lens have the ability to change its shape?

8-What part of the eye projects an upside down image onto the retina?

9-What part of the retina detect light and colours?

10-What transmits the nerve impulses from the retina to the brain?

11- Is it good for your eyes to read lying on a sofa?

12-Is it healthy for your eyes to spend much time staring at a screen?

13- Would you open your eyes under pool water?



         1-  Is the tongue a bone?

         2-  Is the tongue flexible?

         3-  Does your nose help you to taste food?

         4-  Can gustatory nerves detect special chemicals?


        1. What is taste?

        2. What do we use our tongue for?

        4. What are taste buds?

        5. What do gustatory nerves do?


Senses: TASTE

The tongue is the organ of taste.

It is made up of many groups of muscles. It is very flexible so you can say words and also helps you eat.

The tongue is rough and bumpy because it is covered with taste buds, so you can taste everything. Your nose helps you taste foods by smelling them before they go in your mouth.

taste buds seen through a miscroscope

People are born with about 10,000 taste buds. Taste buds can detect special chemicals in the things that you eat and drink: sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami.


The gustatory nerves transmit the impulses that the taste buds produce to the brain. And finally the brain interprets the information.

How the tongue works video

Tongue twisters listen and repeat

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Remember you have a practice quiz until "SMELL" this Friday the 5th of November. Study and later, practice doing this quiz below.


1-     The bones that form the skull are:

2-     It is a system that gives humans the ability to move using their muscles and bones.

3-     They connect muscles to bones at the joint.

4-      In what part of the skeleton are your occipitals?

5-      Is the knee a fixed joint?

6-      Name four joints in your arm.

7-     The largest bone in your body is the...

8-     What are the names of the muscles in your legs?

9-     The three types of muscles are…

10-   Stomach is an example of voluntary/involuntary muscle. 

11-  Are biceps involuntary muscles?

12-  Write two involuntary muscles.

13-  What sense do we use to hear?

14-  It is behind the pupil and the iris. It focuses light on the retina.

15-  Part of the eye which gives the colour to the eye.

16-  Part of the eye that lets light to get in.

17-   It is the organ of taste.

18-  They are the two holes at the entrance of your nose. 

19-  Nerve fibers are connected to the ___________ which sends information to the brain.

20-   It is the sticky substance in your nose that stops germs and dust.

21-  They give us information about the world around us.


Senses: SMELL

The nose is the organ of smell. We use our nose to identify different smells and to breathe.



The nose link