Estimadas familias,

Os damos la bienvenida al Blog de las asignaturas bilingües de 4º de primaria. Servirá como herramienta de repaso de los contenidos que vayamos trabajando en el aula a diario.
Es recomendable su uso diario para repasar y reforzar desde casa.

Está diseñado para que vuestros hijos puedan trabajar solos, pues todo lo que vamos subiendo se ha trabajado previamente en clase.

Os iremos informando de las novedades que vayan surgiendo.

Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración. Recibid un cordial saludo.

Sonia y Noelia.

Saturday, November 6, 2021



1-Name the five senses. What are they for?

2-What is the organ of the sight?

3- What colour is the cornea?

4-Define pupil.

5-Can the pupil be blue?

6-What is behind the pupil and the iris?

7- Does the lens have the ability to change its shape?

8-What part of the eye projects an upside down image onto the retina?

9-What part of the retina detect light and colours?

10-What transmits the nerve impulses from the retina to the brain?

11- Is it good for your eyes to read lying on a sofa?

12-Is it healthy for your eyes to spend much time staring at a screen?

13- Would you open your eyes under pool water?



         1-  Is the tongue a bone?

         2-  Is the tongue flexible?

         3-  Does your nose help you to taste food?

         4-  Can gustatory nerves detect special chemicals?


        1. What is taste?

        2. What do we use our tongue for?

        4. What are taste buds?

        5. What do gustatory nerves do?


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