Estimadas familias,

Os damos la bienvenida al Blog de las asignaturas bilingües de 4º de primaria. Servirá como herramienta de repaso de los contenidos que vayamos trabajando en el aula a diario.
Es recomendable su uso diario para repasar y reforzar desde casa.

Está diseñado para que vuestros hijos puedan trabajar solos, pues todo lo que vamos subiendo se ha trabajado previamente en clase.

Os iremos informando de las novedades que vayan surgiendo.

Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración. Recibid un cordial saludo.

Sonia y Noelia.

Friday, October 22, 2021

QUIZ PRACTICE 1 (Locomotor System)

1. They are made of bone cells.

2. It is a soft tissue in the center of some bones.

3. It is where two bones meet.

4. It supports the body and helps to keep its shape.

5. What is the name of the muscle in your neck?

6. Types of bones.

7. Quadriceps, hamstring and calf are in the _____________.

8. Where is the maxilla?

9. Types of joints.

10. How many bones do we have when we are adults?

11. The three main bones in your arm.

12. Is the skull a moveable joint?

13. It is an elastic fiber that connects bones to bones.

14. Name four joints.

15. Where is the fibula?

16. Can bone cells repair broken or damaged bones?

17. Is the scapula a joint?

18. Is the pectoral a bone?

19. It is a non-elastic fiber that connects bones to muscles.

20. Do ligaments connect muscles to bones?

21. Have bones got different shapes and sizes?

22. What is the name of the smallest bone in our ear?

23. What does the skeleton protect?

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