Estimadas familias,

Os damos la bienvenida al Blog de las asignaturas bilingües de 4º de primaria. Servirá como herramienta de repaso de los contenidos que vayamos trabajando en el aula a diario.
Es recomendable su uso diario para repasar y reforzar desde casa.

Está diseñado para que vuestros hijos puedan trabajar solos, pues todo lo que vamos subiendo se ha trabajado previamente en clase.

Os iremos informando de las novedades que vayan surgiendo.

Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración. Recibid un cordial saludo.

Sonia y Noelia.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Senses: TASTE

The tongue is the organ of taste.

It is made up of many groups of muscles. It is very flexible so you can say words and also helps you eat.

The tongue is rough and bumpy because it is covered with taste buds, so you can taste everything. Your nose helps you taste foods by smelling them before they go in your mouth.

taste buds seen through a miscroscope

People are born with about 10,000 taste buds. Taste buds can detect special chemicals in the things that you eat and drink: sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami.


The gustatory nerves transmit the impulses that the taste buds produce to the brain. And finally the brain interprets the information.

How the tongue works video

Tongue twisters listen and repeat

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