Estimadas familias,

Os damos la bienvenida al Blog de las asignaturas bilingües de 4º de primaria. Servirá como herramienta de repaso de los contenidos que vayamos trabajando en el aula a diario.
Es recomendable su uso diario para repasar y reforzar desde casa.

Está diseñado para que vuestros hijos puedan trabajar solos, pues todo lo que vamos subiendo se ha trabajado previamente en clase.

Os iremos informando de las novedades que vayan surgiendo.

Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración. Recibid un cordial saludo.

Sonia y Noelia.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


1. It is the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria and fungi.

2. Name three chemical changes of matter.

3. They haven´t got a constant volume or stable shape.

4. Temperature, mass, volume and magnetism are _________________     _________________ of matter.

5. The kilogram is the standard unit of ____________.

6. They are the smallest particles of matter.

7. Does a solid have a fixed shape?

8. We use the beaker to measure the _____________.

9. What is the matter?

10. It is a chemical change that occurs when some substances combine with oxygen.

11. Which state of matter has its molecules very close to each other?

12. When two or more substances are combined, but they are not combined chemically.

13. It is the combining of substances with oxygen to form new substances. For example, oxygen in the air can combine with iron to form rust (iron oxide).

14. Chemical change of organic matter which does not need oxygen.

15. A substance that cannot be separated by physical means.

16. They expand to occupy as much space as possible.

17. When matter changes its state, does the matter change?

18. When two or more substances are combined it is a _______________

19. Give two examples of homogeneous mixtures.

20. Name the different techniques we use to separate the components of mixtures.

21. What chemical change does occur when we get rust?

22. Can we get putrefaction with the INORGANIC matter?

23. It is used to separate liquids from a solid in mixtures.

24. In these mixtures the substances are not evenly distributed.

25. What technique would you use to separate iron from sand in a mixture?

26. What technique is used to separate different components in a liquid mixture?

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


1. Name the states of matter.

2. Which state of matter doesn’t change its shape?

3. Does a liquid take up a different amount of space when put into a different container?

4. What is the standard unit of volume?

5. Name an instrument we use to measure the mass of a physical body.

6. They have a fixed volume but not a fixed shape.

7. Water changes its state by changing its ___________

8. It is the amount of matter in a physical body.

9. This property is the ability of a substance to resist scratching.

10. It is the amount of energy in matter.

11. It is the amount of space that a body occupies.

12. The kilogram is the standard unit of …

13. It is the ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance.

14. It is made of atoms.

15. Name three physical properties of matter.

16. It is anything that has mass and volume.

17. We use beakers to find out the ________ of a solid body.

18. What instrument do you use to measure the mass of a body?

19. State of matter that has a fixed shape and a fixed volume.

20. This physical property shows the size, colour, and shape of an object.

21. We use the kilogram to measure the __________ of a body.